Reflections Blog

Strategies for Business Owners to Maximize your New 20% Pass-Through Deduction

Strategies for business owners to maximize their new 20% tax deduction

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How Business Owners Can Qualify for the New 20% Tax Deduction

There’s a new 20% tax deduction and if you own a business or a partnership you need to be informed.

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How Doctors Can Catch Up For Retirement

Bulk up your savings and catch up for retirement in a hurry.

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3 Tax-Smart Ways to Help Your Children

Before you gift you child cash, stop and consider these tax-saving alternatives

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Five Steps to an A+ College Plan

Know what to expect and start saving now

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Is There Too Much Risk In Your Portfolio?

How much risk do I actually need to take?

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Trade Wars: Is There Another Side to the Story?

What could the consensus be getting wrong when it comes to tariff concerns?

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The Top 4 Regrets in Retirement

Retirement withdrawal strategies including filling lower brackets with partial Roth IRA conversions and minimizing RMDs

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How to Contribute Far More Than $23,000 to Your 401(k)

Adding a cash balance plan to your 401(k) can allow you to make significantly larger retirement plan contributions and save on taxes

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Why We Created Fi-Care

We developed Fi-Care Financial Wellness with the goal of helping our business owner clients to improve company culture.

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Tax Cuts and Jobs Act Of 2017: What to Do Before Year End

How to Maximize deductions that are soon going away

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Stop Giving Your Cash to Charities (Use Appreciated Stock Instead)

Donate appreciated stock for a bigger giving impact and more tax savings

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FAFSA Myths Busted: How affluent families might still qualify for aid

Understand how your income and assets may work against you when you apply for aid

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Supercharge your Roth IRA

Don’t let Roth IRA income limits prevent you from gaining tax-free growth

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Graduation Gifts for Life Lessons

Give a ‘Grad a fish, they’ll eat for a day.  Teach them how to fish and they’ll eat forever.

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How to Launch a 401(k) Plan

Six steps to guide you through this critical component of employee satisfaction

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4 Mistakes to Avoid with Your Company Stock Option Plan

Make sure you maximize your stock option benefits by avoiding these four mistakes

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Five Rules of Estate Planning

Save yourself large amounts of stress and money with these five estate planning guidelines

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Four Simple New Year’s Resolutions That Will Stick

Straightforward financial resolutions to aim for in the new year

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Tax Strategies for a Windfall Year

Lower your taxes after selling a business, receiving a major bonus, or receiving other windfall

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What Sole Business Owners Need to Know About Solo 401(k) Plans

As a sole business owner, a Solo 401(k) allows you to pay yourself up to $66,000 as both an employee and an employer.

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Not so Simple: What Business Owners Need to Know About Simple IRAs

A SIMPLE IRA allows employees to save pre-tax and companies to make smaller contributions without the administrative requirements of a 401(k).

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No 401(k)? No Problem. Why SEP IRAs Work for Some Small Businesses

SEP IRAs can be a good option for sole proprietors or small companies seeking a plan that is flexible and simple to administer, with high limits on contributions.

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Why Some Business Owners Choose a Safe Harbor 401(K) over a traditional 401(k)

A Safe-Harbor 401(k) plan provides a minimum level of contributions to all employees, freeing owners and highly compensated employees to receive larger profit-sharing payments.

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When is a Defined Benefit Plan a Good Option for Business Owners?

A Defined Benefit Plan can help older owners of highly profitable businesses squeeze twenty years of savings into ten

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What business owners need to know about 401(k) plans

A 401(k) allows high levels of employee pre-tax saving with the option for employers to make contributions, all professionally managed and administered.

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The Up Side of Down: Stock Market Declines & Annual Returns

Despite average intra-year drops of 14.2%, annual returns have been positive in 27 of 35 years.

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Window Closing for Social Security Rule Change Claiming Strategies

Maximize your Social Security benefits now while you still can.

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Average Returns Aren’t Normal, Normal Returns are Extreme

An average return is in fact exceedingly rare.

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How Working in Retirement Affects Social Security

Avoid having your benefits reduced and perhaps see an increase while working

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